The fact that she isn't baptised is very good. This means that if she were to want to stop being seen as a JW, she could fade out and stop attending and then tell family that she's with you later without being shunned.
JW's only normally shun relatives if they have already been baptised and then get disfellowshipped of disassociate. So this is why she gets together with other relatives of a different religion.
Apparently today is the day, but leave things open and take your time. Post back soon.
Eyes Open
JoinedPosts by Eyes Open
Dating a JW and need some help
by Whizkid ini've been 'going out' with a beautiful girl and we have a great time together.
we have a lot of similar interests and always have stuff to talk/do.
the problem is that she's a jw, and i know there is no way i'm going to become a jw.
Eyes Open
Apes that write, start fires and play Pac-Man
by inkling inok, so i posted this link on the recent thread about "ape rights", but for those who didn't.
get three pages into that thread, this is an amazing video that makes me realize just how thin.
and arbitrary the wall is that we place between ourselves and other animals.. .
Eyes Open
That's a great video - thanks. Pac-Man! LOL
I love that TED site. Could watch it all day. -
I broke...
by Mysterious in...a board yesterday in tae kwon do, my first.
:-d i was the only white belt who broke one too.
it was excellent empowerment therapy.
Eyes Open
Great stuff. :)
What part of your body did you use? -
Germany - Spain --- Let's Open The Bets
by hamilcarr incalling all lovers of european football to share their bet on the euro 2008 finals.. i bet on penalties after 1-1. germany will win.
for all ignorants of football: "football is a simple game: 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the germans win.
" --- gary lineker..
Eyes Open
Gratefully accepted hamilcarr! :)
I did enjoy the match. I actually think the Spanish goal was suspect; If you watch the replay you can see that Torres has a little pull at Lahm's arm, slowing him down. I'm pleased that the Spanish won, but thought I'd mention this anyway.
Good game. -
by brofromzion inmatt.
' the man was speechless.
then the king told the attendants, 'tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'..."?
Eyes Open
Also, to those who think my comment is "sexist" then you guys have a problem with what the Bible testifies.
Indeed. Many also have a problem with the slavery, genocide and sexual pillaging.
I'm just someone trying to be a good servant of God. God bless you all.
All the best to you, too, and may all of your children convert to atheism.
Dating a JW and need some help
by Whizkid ini've been 'going out' with a beautiful girl and we have a great time together.
we have a lot of similar interests and always have stuff to talk/do.
the problem is that she's a jw, and i know there is no way i'm going to become a jw.
Eyes Open
You don't know any of that, zeroday.
Not all JW's are the same. If she has already agreed to look at information in a few days' time, what's the harm in Whizkid having a go?
To be honest, it annoys me when people flippantly say things like run. If it wasn't for someone being patient with me in a similar situation, I would still be wasting my life in the WTS.
Whizkid: be prepared that she may never escape and that you may have to let her go. But if you're prepared to spend some months on this, proceed with care and patience. And make sure you're there for support if she does find out the religion is basically a cult - she'll need you more than ever. -
Dating a JW and need some help
by Whizkid ini've been 'going out' with a beautiful girl and we have a great time together.
we have a lot of similar interests and always have stuff to talk/do.
the problem is that she's a jw, and i know there is no way i'm going to become a jw.
Eyes Open
Firstly, it's great that she's agreed to look at some information about her religion. To do that would be to go beyond what she's "supposed" to do.
Now, no doubt other posters will suggest some JW-related things which you may consider using. Try to stick to using contradictory Watchtower material and the bible.
However, I'm going to recommend that the two of you go through a book together which doesn't even mention Jehovah's Witnesses. It's a book by a professor of Hebrew, and deals with how people misinterpret the bible. Doing this should be less of a strain for her conscience as not even JW's say outright that one shouldn't use scholarly material to study the bible.
I suggest you start with chapter four if she will allow you. Hopefully, this will let her see what a load of nonsense the JW eschatology is, which is a big part of the belief system. Then maybe chapters one, two, five and three.
Whatever you use, remain calm at all times and make your points in a way which doesn't force her to agree. So instead of saying 'Can't you see that...', say 'I think that ...' If you sense she feels uncomfortable, ease up and assure her of your love for her whatever she believes. Then carry on when appropriate - don't rush her.
Post back as much as you like. All the best.
my story while listening to "the great gig in the sky" by Pink Floyd
by paranoid android inlooking back i realize that the way it was handled was probably the best of my experiences with committee meetings.
at this committee meeting, they asked me if i was disfellowshipped 3 months ago, i couldnt believe that!
" i asked him why the announcement hadnt been made and he said he didnt know.
Eyes Open
Welcome paranoid android.
All the best with your transition. Keep posting as you feel you want to.
So do you like Radiohead? -
Germany - Spain --- Let's Open The Bets
by hamilcarr incalling all lovers of european football to share their bet on the euro 2008 finals.. i bet on penalties after 1-1. germany will win.
for all ignorants of football: "football is a simple game: 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the germans win.
" --- gary lineker..
Eyes Open
Thanks. :) What do I win?
Germany - Spain --- Let's Open The Bets
by hamilcarr incalling all lovers of european football to share their bet on the euro 2008 finals.. i bet on penalties after 1-1. germany will win.
for all ignorants of football: "football is a simple game: 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the germans win.
" --- gary lineker..
Eyes Open
2-1 Spain.